Saturday, January 16, 2010

No visitors allowed at Hannah's Hope...

We actually have 2 friends who will be going to Ethiopia to get their children in the next few weeks so I asked AGCI if they could stop and check in on Evan at Hannah's Hope. The answer was "no". Evidently only AGCI families and mission workers are allowed in order to keep things flowing and without interruption there. We are disappointed but understanding. We are getting more and more excited all the time about being there!!

We received two new unexpected photos of Evan last night that another Mom had taken while she was at Hannah's Hope! Talk about a blessing! Wow! Carley said he was "as cute as a button"! I don't know where she heard that expression, but it sure was darling coming out of her mouth!


  1. maybe someone will still manage a sneak peak for you! i'm glad you at least got a couple new photos!!!

  2. Hey..congrats on that referral!!! yayyyy....You'll be there soon!! It is the greatest moment ever!! :) Your girls are adorable, kristi
    ps...did you go to UK by any hubby and i did!!


Why Wouldn't I?